Rules for Competition Official rules will be mailed to each contestant. With final times and location listed CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE VERSION 1. Deadline for registration is 2 hours prior to the starting time of the Preliminary Competition Saturday June 16th 2007. ONE ENTRY PER PERSON ALL ENTRIES WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL PAST FIRST PLACE WINNERS INELIGIBLE TO ENTER FOR 3 YEARS 2. Entry fees are $25.00 due at the time of application. The $25.00 registration fee is non-refundable. Please make check or money order payable to: W R B F Guitar Competition 3. The competition is limited to 25 contestants, with 5 alternates. Sign up early to increase your chances of being able to compete. NOTE: The entry fee of $25.00 will be refunded to those alternates who do not compete. 4. Contestants will assemble promptly at: (a time and place to be announced at a later date) which at that time they will draw numbers for their playing order. 5. Competition will begin PROMPTLY AT : (To be determined). 6. Only flat picking is allowed. 7. Contestants are allowed one instrument back-up (accompanist) of their choice. Back-up accompanist can be used for rhythm only. 8. No singing is allowed. 9. In cases of broken strings/picks, contestants will be allowed to repeat the same tune without penalty. 10. No electrical instruments or drums, are allowed for contestants or accompanists. PRELIMINARY COMPETITION a. Contestants will play 1 tune with a limit of three (3) minutes with 20 points being deducted for exceeding the time limit. b. The top five (5) contestants will be announced from the stage as soon as possible after the Preliminary Competition. c. The Finalists will assemble at a pre-determined place and time to draw numbers for their playing order. d. Play-off will begin PROMPTLY AT (a time to be determined) P.M. Any contestant who is not present to compete when his or her number is called will be disqualified.
COMPETITION FOR THE FINALIST e. Play-off contestants will perform two (2) tunes with a time limit of three (3) minutes per tune. They will be judged and scored only on this performance, previous scores will be erased. f. Winners will be announced, and prizes awarded, during the Saturday Evening Show, at (a time to be determined). GENERAL RULES FOR JUDGING 1. Contestants will be judged on 100 possible points. 2. Judges will not see the contestants who will be referred to only by their numbers. This Blind Judging makes the competition as fair as possible. 3. Contestants will be judged on Timing, Style, Tuning, Difficulty of Material, Execution, Clarity and Overall Performance. 4. Competition will begin PROMPTLY AT (a pre-determined time) . Any contestant who is not present to compete when his or her number is called will be disqualified. 5. All decision of the Judges are final. CONTEST PRIZES: 1st PLACE - A guitar, hand crafted, and donated by Samples Musical Instruments SMI (Jerry Samples) and a plaque 2nd PLACE - $100.00 and a plaque 3 rd PLACE - $78.00 and a plaque 4 th PLACE - $45.00 and a plaque 5 th PLACE - $33.33 and a plaque For information about The Wenatchee River Bluegrass Festival and or Guitar Flat Pickin' Contest call Marie at (509) 548-1230 or Chuck at (509) 548-8663 or Email: WRBF_ |
For photos of the SMI Hand Crafted Guitar Email Jerry at: SMI |
Thank You! |